Plaisir de France Octobre 1954
Feature on the 30 satellites of Versailles in Europe. 'Haute Couture Francaise' by Genevieve Perrau. Wallpaper sample by Follot, and photo of it in a Jansen room. Fashion exhibition at the Musee Carnavalet. The home of M. Bouchon decorated by Jacques Dumuys. The home of Bob Barger decorated by M. General. Fashions by Jacques Fath, Balenciaga, Givenchy, Dior. Pierre Balmain, Mauboussin. Full-page ads for Pierre Balmain (by Rene Gruau), Balenciaga, Guerlain Vol de Nuit, Marcel Rochas, etc. Binding a bit dry.
Plaisir de France, 1954