Architecture and Urbanism January 1993/No. 268
Monthly Journal of Art and Architecture No. 373 October 1995
Process: Architecture no. 86
Living Barns: How to Find and Restore a Barn of Your Own
Entourage: A Tracing File For Architecture and Interior Design Drawing
The Walker House, RM Schindler
Beach Hotels
1912 Edition of Home Building and Decoration
A Monograph of the Works of McKim Mead & White 1879-1915
Hogar y Decoracion 4 Diciembre 1939/ Enero 1940
Emil Hoppe / Marcel Kammerer / Otto Schönthal
Mies van der Rohe : The Krefeld Villas
Building Greenwich
Galli Rudolf Architekten
Vom Nutzen der Architekturfotografie / Architectural Photography and Its Uses
Building an Idea : McKim, Mead & White and the American Academy in Rome
Architectural Delineation: A Photographic Approach to Presentation
Summer Cottages in the White Mountains
Two Carpenters : Architecture and Building in Early New England 1799-1859