Jean Garçon par Anne Bony
Jeux et Sports
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Josef Müller-Brockmann by Kerry William Purcell
Josephine Baker and La Revue Negre
Judge magazine April 17, 1926
Judge magazine March 15, 1930
Judge magazine May 24, 1930.
Karel Martens Counterpoint
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson
Kitsch The World of Bad Taste
Kleines Spiel mit Ornamenten
Knoll flier Albinson Stacking Chair
Knoll flier Executive Chair by Charles Pollack
La Balade Troublante by Edward Gorey
La Cambre 1928-1978
La Ilustracion Iberica 6 Noviembre 1897
La Maison Francaise Mai 1949 no. 28
La Maison Francaise Decembre 1947