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World of Interiors December 2014

World of Interiors December 2014


A nice copy of the magazine. Small rip on the bottom of the cover. 

From World of Interiors website:

Domino Effects

A move towards monochrome could trigger a chain of events. If your desire for Op-art opulence is at a tipping point, Miranda Sinclair's black-and-white fabrics will help you join up the dots. Photography: Anders Gramer

Ivory Tower

A guardhouse in Picardy, once part of the dukes of Guise's estate, has for 400 years remained aloof from the modern world - until Marcel Marongiu took up residence. Because of his obsession with the early 17th century, the fashion designer left the stronghold's structure largely untouched, so why has he decorated every surface black, grey or white? Robert Colonna d'Istria ponders the motives for monochrome. Photography: Jean-Francois Jaussaud

Cache Register

Hidden away on the National Archives' shelves at Kew is one of the world's most treasured resources for the study of 19th- and 20th-century material culture - a collection of registered ornamental designs has been stored here since copyright acts took force in 1839. Julie Halls delves into these public records for some choice black-and-white documents

Monsoon Murals

Every June, in the tribal villages of Hazaribagh, northeast India, the heavy rains come, washing away the vernacular Khovar designs adorning mud-hut walls. Traditionally executed by married women, these 'bridal chamber' comb paintings are created by scraping away a top layer of white kaolin to reveal the black manganese beneath. Somehow, their fleeting nature makes them all the more precious, reckons Leanna Pooley. Photography: Deidi von Schaewen

Schmorl World

Gerald Schmorl, a luxury-design consultant for the likes of Gucci and Dior, was unsurprisingly particular when it came to decorating his 1910 apartment in Berlin. From his great-grandfather's clock, lacquered black and standing like a glossy Steinway in the hall, to a delicate two-tone 'ribbon' hand-painted on the white walls, each element became a mini obsession. Marie-France Boyer touches down in his microcosm. Photography: Ivan Terestchenko 


interior decoration Magazines world of interiors

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